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Break and Lunch Time
Break Time Arrangements
Children in Nursery to Year 2 have continual indoor/outdoor access throughout the day. In addition, Year 1 to Year 6 children access the outdoor areas during their morning break time and lunchtime. Please ensure that your child has a coat so that they will be comfortable whatever the weather.
Drinks, Snacks & Free Milk
All children are required to bring a water bottle filled with water into school each day. Children are able to access fresh water throughout the day and are encouraged to drink regularly. As a Healthy School, we ask that children do not bring in flavoured water, squash or fizzy drinks for consumption throughout the school day.
Nursery and Reception will have a break during the morning session and (afternoon for afternoon Nursery) where they will sit together to enjoy a fruit snack from home. Children will also be offered milk to drink.

For Year 1 and Year 2 there is a break during the morning session when free milk is available and children can enjoy a fruit snack from home.
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 may also bring their own fruit to eat during morning break.
Please inform us if you do not want your child to be offered milk. Please peel oranges for younger children and ensure grapes are cut in half. A healthy cereal bar is permitted, but please note that it should not contain chocolate. Any food containing nuts is not permitted due to children with nut allergies. All other snacks are not allowed.
Lunchtime Arrangements
At Jubilee Park Primary School, we place considerable emphasis on the importance of lunchtime, recognising the opportunity it gives children to socialise and interact whether they have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. School staff and midday supervisors care for the children during this time and will encourage all pupils to eat their meals, interact with each other and ensure sensible behaviour in the hall and outside.
School meals are prepared and cooked on site in our excellent kitchen facilities which is managed by Chartwells.
We offer a secure booking system for school meals called ParentPay. ParentPay allows parents to book school meals and make payments to a secure online account, accessed by a unique username and password. We are unable to accept cheques or money at school. All school meals must be booked and paid for online, via ParentPay, in advance. All children are now entitled to a free school meal. Please book this meal via ParentPay, once the meal is booked the total owed will be £0.
Please advise the school if your child develops a food allergy, or has any other dietary requirements, for example, vegetarian, Halal, etc. It is the policy of Chartwells that a medical note must be provided for dietary requirements, if your child has any specific dietary requirements please contact Chartwells on 01633 265787.
Some parents prefer to provide a packed lunch and drink for their child. When this is the case we would request, for safety reasons, that you do not provide drinks in either cans or glass bottles. As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we would encourage parents to provide a healthy and nutritious packed lunch. Any food containing nuts is not permitted due to children with nut allergies.
If you are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits, you may be entitled to free school meals for children in Year 3 to Year 6. You may also be entitled to additional support, visit Free school meals | Newport City Council for further information, call 01633 656656 or email
Please click here for our menu.