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You are here: Our School > Mission Statement & Vision Principles

Mission Statement & Vision Principles

We are delighted to be able to share with you our mission statement and vision principles for Jubilee Park Primary School. We have gathered ideas from our children, staff, governors and parents. We have shared our hopes and dreams for Jubilee Park Primary and encouraged people within our community to do the same. As a growing school, over the next year we will be continuing to focus on building ‘Foundations for Learning’.


Mission Statement


Inspire, Nurture, Celebrate Success

Ysbrydoli, Maethu, Dathlu Llwyddiant



Our Vision Principles

Jubilee Park Primary School has three vision principles that are the foundation for our strategic purpose and aspirations for our future. We are committed to:


Igniting a passion for learning


Creating the conditions to thrive


Growing together with the community



Igniting a passion for learning

All members of Jubilee Park Primary School community are focused on developing learning capacity so they will know, understand and challenge themselves as learners. We will develop an inspiring curriculum which will enable all children to explore and experience, create and express, respond and reflect and be motivated to learn.


Creating the conditions to thrive

All members of Jubilee Park Primary School community will collaborate to ensure wellbeing is at the heart of our school. We are committed to creating a happy and inclusive learning environment where we will support each other to thrive and success is celebrated.



Growing together with the community

All members of Jubilee Park Primary School community are committed to developing relationships based on mutual trust, respect and support. We will strive to be at the heart of the community and develop collaborative skills to enable effective contribution to our local and global communities.

Jubilee Park Primary School Rogerstone, Newport
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